Friday, October 24, 2014

Clomid Round Two

Long story short... 

Starting cycle day 8 I took ovulation tests (OPK) for the next 8 days. If you've never taken an OPK before, they are like really hard to read. The test line basically has to be as dark or darker than the control line or else its negative. These were all my tests. 

 I was getting negatives every day and feel super discouraged. I felt like I was taking this medicine for nothing because it wasn't even working. But then I had my mid-month appointment with my doctor.

 I had an ultrasound and found out that I had actually ovulated that morning. This was my reaction... 
I may have even yelled "SURPRISE!!!" 

Ok, not really, but really I was so freaking excited. Turns out that my test from the day before was actually positive, even though the line looked lighter it had a strip in part of it that was a little darker than the test line. The doctor gave the go ahead to "get down to business" and sent me on my way. 

But in the end I'm not pregnant and so we are going for round two. 
I felt really sorry for myself at first but then I realized that the clomid actually worked. Sure, I'm not pregnant, but I ovulated - which is definitely more than I can say for the past 3 years. And that alone is reason enough to smile. We are on our way to fixing this problem and making that baby. 

Monday, October 6, 2014

9 things NOT to say to a woman going through infertility.

If we had a dollar for every time someone gave us some "advice" on our infertility issues, we could probably have enough money for a round of IVF or to adopt a precious baby. 

I get it though. It's one of those situations where you're not really sure what to say to make it better and so you make up some story about how your aunt's-college roommate's-best friend's-doctor's-ex lover had success by sticking her head in a bucket of mash potatoes every night during her fertile days and she got pregnant doing that after 7 years of trying. 

Ok - I've never had anyone tell me that specific story, but definitely some far fetched ideas have been thrown our way. So here is my list of things that you probably should avoid telling a couple who is suffering through infertility.  


I'm listing this one first because it is by far the most common. Infertility is a very stressful process - every month she goes through pretty much the same thing. She starts her period, she counts her days so that she knows which days to look for during the cycle. She charts her temperature. She takes ovulation tests. When (more like if in my case) she gets a positive she calls her husband to hurry up and come home because it's time to do the baby dance. And they probably do that baby dance for the next 3 days and then there is the two-week-wait. And during that wait she is analyzing every symptom her body is giving her and thinking, hoping, that it in fact a sign of pregnancy; all while charting her temps, checking cervical fluid, and eating as many fertility super foods as she can. And then when she hits that day where she decides to take a test and it turns out that her boobs do not hurt because she is pregnant, or the nausea that she had yesterday was not morning sickness, because it's negative. Then later that day or maybe a couple days after that - she starts her period. It's a vicious and seems-to-be never ending cycle. It's a little bit hard to relax. 


DO NOT get me wrong, I love being with my husband. But when my phone chimes at me and says "You're fertile, have sex today!" I want to roll my eyes. It is my belief that God gave us the ability to have sex for two reasons; to procreate and to be intimate and express love to our spouse. When you are trying to get pregnant on a timeline and you are just doing it because it is supposedly the right time, it takes the romance completely out. 


There is nothing worse than hearing from friend about how she wasn't even trying and she just decided to take a test randomly and it was positive. I'm happy for you that you get to have a baby, but don't brag about being Fertile Myrtle, all she will want to do is punch you in the mouth. 


There are so many things I could say about this but I will keep it as short as I can. Do not complain to a woman who spends tons of money and time trying to be in your situation. There is a woman I know who has regularly complained to me and in front of me (and knows my situation) about how she did not want her youngest child and about how miserable she was and how she is grateful for her child now that they are here but she just hated it and she gained so much weight and didn't want him and blah blah blah. WHAT? 
Understand this; women dealing with infertility do not want to be pregnant - they want a child. It is not about being pregnant and finding out the gender and buying maternity clothes and having people fuss over you. We want a baby - plain and simple. We would gladly endure months of morning sickness and tons of weight gain just to have a baby at the end of it all. 


My husband and I fully plan to adopt one day. We have talked about it since we were engaged and didn't even know we would fight this battle. Whether we have blood related children, we will still adopt children one day. Unfortunately, adoption is very expensive. Many couples going through infertility have already spent thousands upon thousands of dollars doing Clomid, IUI, IVF, etc. A lot of couple take out loans to pay for these costs and when the time comes to try adoption, $40,000 for the average private adoption seems impossible. 
I will post another time about the reasons why adoption isn't possible for us at the moment, or else we might have already done that. 


We get this one a lot in regards to traveling. Living in Europe has afforded us so many opportunities to get out and see the world. We've had people time and time again tell us how lucky we are that we don't have to tote around a carseat or diaper bag or whatever and we can just go travel. I love traveling and I love living in Europe, but I know that these times of traveling childless will mean nothing to me in comparison of holding my little baby for the first time, or seeing my husband rock our child to sleep. I'll take a couple of kids over traveling the world any day. 


I'm sorry, did you get a direct revelation from the guy upstairs Himself? I didn't think so. I know God wants me to have children, and I know he will provide a way one day for us to do so. Enough said. 


I love kids - I work with them all day. But offering up your misbehaving 4 year old to me is no consolation to the fact that I can't have kids right now. And no, I don't want to take your kids for a couple nights so I can "see what I'm trying to get myself into" thanks though!


You mean that I have to keep having sex with my husband to get pregnant? And exactly how long to you keep at it? 2 years? 3 years? 7 years? Oh and then tell me that you got pregnant in one month because you just kept "doing it". 

Oh no wonder we haven't gotten pregnant yet.... 

All in all if you know someone who is going through this painful struggle just be there for her. Listen when she needs an ear and unless you've been through infertility yourself, try not to give any advice. She's chosen you to confide in, do not lose that trust by saying something that can further her hurting. 

Look out for my follow up post on things you SHOULD say to someone going through infertility. 

Keep Smiling! 

Friday, October 3, 2014

First Round of Clomid & How I'm Grinning Through It

Today is the last day (of 5 days) of our first round of clomid. 

Let me just say, it hasn't been the easiest week ever. 
Estrogen is quite the pest if its being over produced for 5 days straight. 

We picked it up on Monday and I took it as soon as I got home. (See how happy we were?)
I didn't notice much the first night other than a slight headache about 4 hours after taking it. 

Day 2 was a little bit different. I had a couple of hot flashes and a pretty decent headache but I felt okay for the most part. Jonathan called after work and asked if he should pick anything up on his way home. All I wanted was a Mt. Dew - for some reason I was craving it even though for years I have been nothing but a DP kinda girl. He said that he didn't think I should drink Mt. Dew because its bad for me, bad for my teeth, bad if I get pregnant... blah blah blah. I told him I wanted it anyway and if he couldn't find any at the store I would settle for a juice. 
20 minutes later he's home and hands me a bottle of juice. And that's when I broke down. I cried, I yelled, I got angry. I told him that he didn't get to choose what I put in my body when I'm the one going through all of these side effects and treatments. 

Poor guy. 

He's been a trooper though. He is truly THE best. I told him next time he sees me starting to get upset just to tell me that the Estrogen monster is showing it's ugly face and to just slap me. He's been a little bit nicer when those times did come and has just been calmly telling me he thinks I need a minute. How blessed am I? For real.

Days 3 and 4 were okay other than feeling super bloated, nauseous, and hot. I wake up a lot at night feeling really hot which makes sleeping pretty impossible but we are working through it and taking it day by day. I did get upset and cry at insignificant things but I've got the best shoulder to cry on.

 I'm about to go take the last dose for this cycle. And then comes about 3 weeks of waiting (SIGH).

I'm able to grin through all of these side effects this week because I thought we were going to be about 2 months away from these treatments. Jon was scheduled to be at a training for work for 26 days, and it fell through and he came home at the last minute. I called my doctor the next day to make an appointment because he was home. Usually it takes about a month to get in to see her, but the nurse asked if I could come in on Friday. I ended up starting my cycle on Wednesday and when the appointment came around the doctor thought everything looked great and was confident that I should be able to start the treatments. 

Seriously, the timing could not have been any more perfect. Clomid has to be taken on certain days of the cycle; either 3-7 or 5-9 depending on what the doctor sees on a scan. I had been feeling in limbo for months of waiting to be able to begin fertility treatments and it all worked out so smoothly. I've got follow up appointments for ultrasounds and blood work in the next coming weeks! 

I know the Lord works in ways that we cannot understand. I don't think that there are really such things as coincidences. I'm not getting hopes up of pregnancy this time around but the doctor is confident that in 3-4 rounds we should finally see our big fat positive.