Friday, October 3, 2014

First Round of Clomid & How I'm Grinning Through It

Today is the last day (of 5 days) of our first round of clomid. 

Let me just say, it hasn't been the easiest week ever. 
Estrogen is quite the pest if its being over produced for 5 days straight. 

We picked it up on Monday and I took it as soon as I got home. (See how happy we were?)
I didn't notice much the first night other than a slight headache about 4 hours after taking it. 

Day 2 was a little bit different. I had a couple of hot flashes and a pretty decent headache but I felt okay for the most part. Jonathan called after work and asked if he should pick anything up on his way home. All I wanted was a Mt. Dew - for some reason I was craving it even though for years I have been nothing but a DP kinda girl. He said that he didn't think I should drink Mt. Dew because its bad for me, bad for my teeth, bad if I get pregnant... blah blah blah. I told him I wanted it anyway and if he couldn't find any at the store I would settle for a juice. 
20 minutes later he's home and hands me a bottle of juice. And that's when I broke down. I cried, I yelled, I got angry. I told him that he didn't get to choose what I put in my body when I'm the one going through all of these side effects and treatments. 

Poor guy. 

He's been a trooper though. He is truly THE best. I told him next time he sees me starting to get upset just to tell me that the Estrogen monster is showing it's ugly face and to just slap me. He's been a little bit nicer when those times did come and has just been calmly telling me he thinks I need a minute. How blessed am I? For real.

Days 3 and 4 were okay other than feeling super bloated, nauseous, and hot. I wake up a lot at night feeling really hot which makes sleeping pretty impossible but we are working through it and taking it day by day. I did get upset and cry at insignificant things but I've got the best shoulder to cry on.

 I'm about to go take the last dose for this cycle. And then comes about 3 weeks of waiting (SIGH).

I'm able to grin through all of these side effects this week because I thought we were going to be about 2 months away from these treatments. Jon was scheduled to be at a training for work for 26 days, and it fell through and he came home at the last minute. I called my doctor the next day to make an appointment because he was home. Usually it takes about a month to get in to see her, but the nurse asked if I could come in on Friday. I ended up starting my cycle on Wednesday and when the appointment came around the doctor thought everything looked great and was confident that I should be able to start the treatments. 

Seriously, the timing could not have been any more perfect. Clomid has to be taken on certain days of the cycle; either 3-7 or 5-9 depending on what the doctor sees on a scan. I had been feeling in limbo for months of waiting to be able to begin fertility treatments and it all worked out so smoothly. I've got follow up appointments for ultrasounds and blood work in the next coming weeks! 

I know the Lord works in ways that we cannot understand. I don't think that there are really such things as coincidences. I'm not getting hopes up of pregnancy this time around but the doctor is confident that in 3-4 rounds we should finally see our big fat positive. 

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